Return of the Halflings
For a while there were only skirmishes against the Three Prime Goods. Orcs and drows attacked the humans, elves, and half-elves, while the dragons invaded the mountains of Berun and waged war on the dwarves. The Three Prime Goods understood the threat but didn’t understand why the Three Prime Evils didn’t attack in full force. Because of the small skirmishes, the Prime Goods attempted to strike back at weak points, without knowing the full extent of the Prime Evils true plans. As the dwarves fought the dragons, they knew they had to retreat and hide their strongholds and wealth from these beasts. Even a single dragon could wipe out an entire stronghold. The elves and humans fought the skirmishes and attacked the orc and drow camps, wondering where their full force was located.
The reason the Three Prime Evils didn’t attack was because Tamae was consolidating his powers and building up an army that would ensure him the victory that he craved. It hadn’t taken the Three Prime Goods long to find out about the Underground and Tamae therefore brought the largest part of his armies west; in search of a more peaceful land where he could build up his armies to easily invade the world. He fell upon a large group of islands, which he named the West Isles. The dragons, drows, and orcs were left to breed and prepare on these islands and when the time was right, they travelled through the Underground back to Aspenta and without warning they attacked the Three Prime Goods with full force.